New Work

A team leader sets direction with the team, coaches team members to accomplish the mission, works as a partner and spokesperson inside and outside the organization, and acts as a change agent, solving problems with their team.
Here are sessions that prepare you for those roles:
SETS DIRECTION session overview
(practice setting direction using the Strategic Planning Process)

PowerPoint: Direction Setter PPT and Strategic Planning Process PPT

Participant Notes: Blank Strategic Plan Worksheet

Further Learning:

Strategic Planning Process” article

Six Common Errors of Strategic Planning” article

Leading and Results” article

An Honest Evaluation of our Movement” article

COACHES THE TEAM session overview
(develop team members for the mission)

PowerPoint: The Coach Role

Participant Notes:

Team Member Types

Understanding Your Team Chart

Further Learning:

Effective Coaching” article

Stages of Team Development” article

Three Types of Team Meetings” article

Team Meeting Stalemates” article

(coach your team with Position Focus conversations)

PowerPoint: The Development Cycle PPT

Participant Notes: Development Cycle and Position Focus Form

Further Learning:

Position Focus – Refine

Position Focus – Review

Position Focus Review Questions

30 Days of Feedback 

Understanding Key Development Assignments

Key Development Assignments

(write and practice a visionary message and develop a network map)

Further Learning:  Spokesperson Role PPT

CHANGE AGENT session overview                                                                        (understand transitions and know how to lead the change process)

PowerPoint: Leading Change PPT

Participant Notes: The Process of Transition diagram

Further Learning:

“Ten Lessons in Leading Change” article

“Vision-Led Change” article

Change Agent session (

The Change Agent Role PPT

Change Agent Role session overview

Article: Solving Problems as a Team (PrEFACE)


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