在LDHR的頭100天也有互動式課程在我們的 學習中心
學園傳道會的 在LDHR的頭100天 已經更新,並可以在學習中心進行線上互動學習課程!
你會發現 給教練的提示 能幫助你,如果你負責幫助一個新的LDHR同工。.
Welcome to Day 1 of your first 100 days in LDHR!
Starting tomorrow (if you are keeping to the 100-day regime) you will begin the first of 14 weekly sessions that will develop extensive foundational knowledge in operating as an LDHR leader in Campus Crusade for Christ.
The sessions have been written and compiled by some of our movement’s top practitioners from around the globe, drawing from over 100 years of combined experience in ministry and LDHR.
Before you get started, check out this outline of what you can expect!
If you are in charge of onboarding a new LDHR team member, please review our 給教練的提示 document.
The second module, Strategy, helps us partner with movement leaders to accomplish our mission through shaping and sharpening the people strategies/structures and culture that God will use to drive the advancement of spiritual movements everywhere.
The fourth module, Care, helps us focus on valuing our members and maximize their individual contribution by ensuring that each person is in the right role, on the right team, with the right preparation and resources.
The fifth module, Processes, helps to make organizational and staff life easier by establishing excellent processes that meet their needs and increase their effectiveness, as well as creating organizational systems that accelerate the mission by ensuring quality staff, maintaining standards worthy of our calling, and complying with the laws of the nation.
LDHR Administration and Information Systems
A step-by-step worksheet to help you describe areas for growth, set clear goals, and consider different methods and opportunities to create and implement a development plan
Growth Model
A proven "recipe" for growth in greater self-awareness and self-management skills using context, principles and case studies
Learning as a Lifestyle
Practice these four habits and develop a lifestyle of continual learning
Tips and activities to encourage you and your team in giving and inviting feedback