How do we learn?

Day 2 can be used to emphasize Adult Learning and Coaching as crucial elements for New Staff Training. Great trainers understand the importance of creative and relevant materials and presentation for a great learning environment.

This session focus on how important it is to use adult learning methods in our training environment. Looking at Jesus’s example as a teacher, we learn the why’s of adult learning and practical ways to improve our teaching and training so that we accomplish our goal of life change and growth in the New Staff.

You can download the PPT notes and listen to the audio file of the session in English and French.

2013-11-12 10.04.35
2. COACHING (Slides 1-18 of PPT)

This session emphasizes establishing a coaching culture throughout the organization, discussing the value of having a coach for personal and professional development.

The session covers:

  • Differences between coaching, mentoring, counseling and discipleship
  • The advantages of asking questions instead of telling answers
  • Coaching skills for many situations
  • Practice with the Coaching Process

Download the audio file (English and French)!

3. COACHING PRACTICE (slides 19-32 of Coaching PPT)

In this session, participants practice the coaching process with a partner and an observer who gave feedback after each person completed coaching through the bridge diagram.

You can download the coaching process bridge diagram here in English (front and questions) or French (front and questions).

Here you can listen to an audio file of the session.

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