
Инструменты управления проектами

Using a project management tool can help keep us organized when collaborating with others.  Here is a sampling of tools that can be helpful for network collaboration, especially as the network grows. G-Suite (Google Tools) allows users to store files in the cloud on Google’s servers, synchronize files across devices, and share files. Google Drive

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Коммуникационные платформы

What do you think? How do you prefer to connect with others? What platforms for communications have you used? What do you value most when communicating ideas with others? How could you discover which platforms would work best for your network? Carril Thomas referred to communication platforms in the video. Flip through the slides

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Network elements

Many networks will grow spontaneously from interdependent interactions as people connect to face a challenge or meet a need. Other networks form intentionally. Here are some of the elements to think about when considering whether to start a network: Who will launch it? An individual, affinity group, team, or other How will we let people

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