
Revisão de Aprendizado

Growing in self-awareness can have a big impact on our conversations. Our self-awareness affects how we express ourselves, which affects our interpersonal relationships. Let’s review the self-awareness we gained by learning about these influences at work in our conversations.

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Conversas Decisivas

Once we’ve chosen to have a CRUCIAL CONVERSATION, this continuum can help us evaluate the kind of conversation we will need. Conversations are complex and will not fit neatly into one category but pausing to consider the continuum can help us prepare for the conversation.  “Learning” conversations often take place to clear a basic misunderstanding

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Fique Atento

Our words are not the only communication device we use in a conversation. We want to STAY AWARE of the non-verbal messages we are communicating too. There are three main non-verbal areas to watch. Facial Expressions What is my facial expression communicating? Where do I feel the tension in my face? Is my forehead tightened?

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Escolha a Opção

We learned in the previous topic that there are different types of conflicts. We’ve also looked at how our family background, culture, and past experiences influence our response to conflict situations. A confrontational conversation is not our only option for every conflict situation. In actuality, we can choose from a variety of options. All of

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Reflexão e Aplicação

Final Reflection Questions and Application What are my takeaways from this course? How could applying this learning impact my relationships at work and at home? In what specific ways will my learning change my crucial conversations? Who can help me continue to engage in crucial conversations? What applications will I make on my team? What

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Seguindo adiante

Well done! We have finished the Crucial Conversations course content. We’ve viewed why crucial conversations are important, what we bring to each conversation and options we have for different types of conflict. We also looked at preparing well for a conversation, helpful things to remember during the conversation, and the importance of learning from our

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Chegue a uma Resolução

As the conversation comes to a close, it is important to settle on a RESOLUTION that reflects the increased understanding and commitment to value each person. To get to that resolution: Ensure both sides get to express their point of view Be creative – offer up different options that, ideally, meet the most important needs

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Atentar-nos a nossas Palavras

Difficult conversations are difficult for a reason, and when we’re anxious or stressed out, it’s easy to say the wrong thing. Our best-laid plans will go to waste if we offend or anger the other person. When navigating a difficult conversation, it helps to WATCH OUR WORDS while keeping the other person’s feelings and opinions in

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Better conversations happen when we FOCUS. Here are three ways we can apply our focus: Address one issue (specific behavior) at a time. There can be a history of problems or issues but focus on the current situation – what happened today (or recently…). Be clear and specific. Be curious rather than judgmental.  Move from

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Estruture a Questão

When we start a conversation, it is helpful to FRAME THE ISSUE to create safety and space.  Here are four things to include in the opening statements: Remember common goals. Acknowledge what you have in common. For example: “We are both committed to the mission.” “We both want the team to succeed.” “We both care

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Speak when you are angryand you will make the best speech you will ever regret. Ambrose Bierce Reflection Questions What is most difficult for me when preparing for a conversation? How could I prepare better, spiritually and emotionally, for a difficult conversation? Where could I get help if needed? What makes me comfortable for a

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Prepare-se emocionalmente

Our spiritual foundation undergirds our emotional responses. As we prepare for a conversation, we want to PREPARE EMOTIONALLY also. No matter what feelings we have, God is with us and can help us handle our strong emotions. How is your heart? Take time to consider how your heart is being affected by the pending conversation.

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Planeja estrategicamente

In addition to preparing spiritually and emotionally, we can consider some other things and plan to make the conversation better. First consider, what is my contribution to this situation? What part of the conflict is my responsibility? Can I own my part? Am I able to see my own contribution to the problem? It is

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Prepare-se espiritualmente

Our SPIRITUAL PREPARATION is foundational to every other area of preparation. We need the Lord to guide our steps and prepare our minds and hearts for the conversation.  Pray Prayer puts us in the posture of dependence on God. It helps us remember that the Lord is Lord. Prayer also reminds us that He is

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Identifique o Conflito

DIFFERENT TYPES OF CONFLICT need different types of conversations. When we take time to evaluate the conflict we are facing, it also allows us to choose the best option for handling the situation.  Let’s look at a simple way to think about what kind of conflict we want to resolve. As a review, Task-oriented

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Influências do nosso Presente

In addition to our past, influences in the PRESENT affect how we approach difficult conversations. Thought Patterns Our thought patterns cause people to move toward one of two directions when dealing with conflict. We generally act as an avoider or aggressor. This video demonstrates the two approaches. Neither style is completely positive or negative. Avoiders

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Influências do nosso Passado

Much of our past shows up with us in our conversations and interactions with others. It can be very beneficial to consider our earlier teachings, context, and experiences with conflict when we prepare for a pending conversation. Self-awareness regarding our CULTURE, FAMILY, AND PAST EXPERIENCES is an essential element of crucial conversations. luemen-rutkowski-ZWbBxZ6zTwM-unsplash As you think

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Elas são parte de nossos relacionamentos

Communication is key to healthy relationships. We experience crucial conversations every day—those interactions matter. We can’t have a healthy relationship without crucial conversations.  Crucial /ˈkro͞oSHəl/ (adjective) = pivotal, significant, critical, decisive, vital, consequential There are various types of crucial conversations; not all crucial conversations are highly emotionally charged. Crucial conversations can generate creative ideas, build

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