blog shoes

Put your shoes on

I didn’t always like walking. Walking felt slow when I was young and free-spirited. I believed I could accomplish more if I ran! Rushing from one thing to another made me think I was getting the most out of life.

I enjoyed running during some parts of my life, but my favorite part was walking at the end of a run–slowing at the end of strenuous exercise. As life progressed, walks often replaced runs. Slowing was becoming more a part of my life. Sometimes I was pushing a stroller. Other times my walks became moments to process the day with friends. Hours of walking and talking over the years fed my soul and formed my person. These hours made me more fully appreciate Paul’s admonition/exhortation

“Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him. “ Col 2:6 ESV

Fast is not always best. God does not have a deadline for my growth but wants me to keep growing, keep walking, keep trusting. It is a walk, not a sprint. I can sprint for a few seconds or minutes. I can run for hours, but never days. But, walking. Walking is a long-term mindset. It isn’t so much a race as it is a part of almost everything we do. We get up in the morning and walk around the house (with Jesus). We go to work and walk around the office or the campus, or the hospital (with Jesus). We meet a friend for a conversation and walk (with Jesus). We tire in the evenings and walk to our beds (with Jesus).

I am reminded each day of my walk with Jesus as I move about. Regular walks in the neighborhood give me opportunities to pray for the needs of the day and for the people around me. Sometimes, they are worship walks, and sometimes fellowship walks.

I especially love finding occasions for longer, lingering walks. Taking the time to enjoy God’s creation is magical. Adding long walks and hikes on the beaches or in the mountains deepens my awe of God, my Creator. City walks expand my appreciation of God’s creativity.

Walking wins. So, as you “run with perseverance the race marked out for you,” take a walk. Keep trusting, keep taking the next step, keep expecting God to lead you to new places as you walk with Him. 

*see Walking with God for more ideas.

Linda Sparkman

Linda Sparkman works in Leadership Development and HR for Cru. She lives in Florida and loves strong coffee and long walks. Having lived overseas for many years, she is motivated to resource and encourage CCCI’s staff worldwide.

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