
Treinamento de Líder de Equipe

Offers interactive, hands-on training sessions for spiritual and strategic leadership, growth in self-awareness, and the ability to lead a team. Included are resources for addressing a leader’s new relationships, new work, new influence, and new capacity leading to greater life change, competency, and team fruitfulness.  

The tools included here also provide philosophy and perspective if you are planning your own training program.

Welcome! We’re so glad you are here!

We hope this resource will serve you! These materials are designed for new local-level team leaders and for those who help train those new leaders but can be helpful for any leader who would like a refresher or update for his or her job.

Some resources to help get you started:

Linked below you will find helpful information about the training philosophy, perspective, and process for Team Leader Training. The information will also be helpful if you are planning your own Team Leader Training program. The sessions provide content to help you accomplish learning outcomes for new leaders.

You do not need to use the exact content offered here, but you will want to ensure that you cover the outcomes in some way. The links throughout this course will take you to materials stored on Google Drive that you can view, download, and edit as you need. 

Guidebook (contains the vision, development history, training philosophy and overview)

Welcome Letter (to new team leaders from Ken Cochrum)

Training Content

A variety of interactive, adult-learning style sessions are included in the training. You will find the sessions under the New Relationships, New Work, New Influence, and New Capacity tabs above.

Each session contains an Overview (a facilitator’s guide for the session) which is most helpful if read first. Each session may also contain some of these other materials: Google Slides presentation, participant notes for the team leaders, and/or further learning resources.

A session layout e suggested scope and sequence are provided so that you will know at a glance what sessions are available and which sessions are often presented before others.

Pre-Event Preparation

We highly recommend that your training include pre-event preparation and after-event coaching in order to increase learning and life-change. These pre-event materials help a new leader prepare by identifying learning needs:

Introductory Sessions

The following four topics set the stage for the heart of the leader and the key changes that take place in the transition from team member to a new team leader. They also look at the framework for CCC leadership and tie it all together around movement building. These sessions would be scheduled as a first part of the training.

  1.  The Heart of a Leader
    Session Overview: THE HEART OF A LEADER
    Presentation: The Heart of a Leader
  2. What’s Different Now?
    Presentation: WHAT’S DIFFERENT NOW?
    Additional Resource: New Team Leader job description


  3. The Leadership Framework
    Presentation: Introduction to the Leadership Framework
    Participant Notes:Blank Leadership Framework diagram
    Article: Introduction to the Leadership Framework
    More resources on this website: Estrutura da Liderança


  4. Leading Movement Building
    Presentation: Movement Building
    Video: How to Start a Movement
    Article: How Team Leaders Strengthen and Build Movements
    Article: A Faith That Multiplies

**You can click here if you would like to view the original learning outcomes that are the basis for this training. Also, if you prefer to organize your training using the Spiritual, Self, and Strategic Leadership outcome categories instead of the “New” categories shown on this site, please click here for an Index of the topics organized by those categories.

When you step into a new position as a team leader, your relationships are affected. You will be more dependent than ever on a deep relationship with God; you will need character and honest self-awareness; you will be responsible for facilitating healthy relationships with others – on your team and in your context.

New leaders can use the following sessions to build strong, encouraging, and life-giving relationships.

Relationship with God

Here are five devotional/reflection sessions that you can choose from for team leaders to focus on developing their relationship with God.

Session Overview: AM I ENOUGH? 
Article: Am I enough?

Session Overview: PSALM 63
Presentation: Psalm 63 
Participant Notes: Psalm 63  
Daily Examen
Spiritual Pathways

Presentation: Six Ways to Earn the Right to Lead People
Article: Six Ways to Earn the Right to Lead People 

Presentation: Maintaining Your First Love

Session Overview: SPIRIT-FILLED LIFE
Presentation: Spirit-Filled Life

Greater Self-Awareness

Greater self-awareness and self-management skills are crucial for a new team leader. Here are two excellent sessions with case study practice to grow in these areas:

Presentation: Principles from the Growth Model
Facilitator Notes: Principles from the Growth Model
Participant Notes: Principles from the Growth Model
Article: “Growth, A Value”

Presentation: Case Studies
Participant Notes: Case Studies

Session Overview: SELF-MANAGEMENT
Presentation: Self-Management
Facilitator Notes: Self-Management

Participant Notes: Self-Management Case Studies

Relationship with Team and Others

Build strong, healthy relationships with your team and increase coaching skills with these two sessions. There is also a presentation on Managing Conflict if that is an essential topic for your context.

Presentation: The Relationships of a Leader

Additional Resouce:

Participant Notes:
A Coaching Approach Article

Coaching Bridge Card front template
Coaching Bridge Card blank (front for translation)
Coaching Bridge Card template (back for translation)

Additional Resources:
Presentation: A Coaching Approach 
Personal Development Plan

A team leader sets direction with the team, coaches team members, works as both a partner and spokesperson inside and outside the organization, and acts as a change agent to solve problems with their team.

Here are sessions that prepare you for those roles:

Sets Direction

A team leader sets the direction. This session helps new leaders practice setting direction using the Strategic Planning Process.

Session Overview: Sets Direction
Direction Setter

Presentation: Strategic Planning Process
Participant Notes: Blank Strategic Plan Worksheet

Additional Resources:

Strategic Planning Process artigo
Six Common Errors of Strategic Planning artigo
Leading and Results artigo
An Honest Evaluation of our Movement artigo


Coaches the Team

In another key role, a team leader coaches the team, developing team members for the mission.

Session Overview: Coaches the Team
Presentation: The Coach Role
Participant Notes: Team Member Types e Understanding Your Team Chart

Additional Resources:

Effective Coaching artigo
Stages of Team Development artigo
Three Types of Team Meetings artigo
Team Meeting Stalemates artigo
Decision Making as a Team artigo

Implements the Development Cycle

Session Overview: Implements the Development Cycle
Presentation: The Development Cycle
Participant Notes: The Development Cycle

Position Focus Form
Position Focus – Refine
Position Focus – Review
Position Focus Review Questions
30 Days of Feedback
Understanding Key Development Assignments
Key Development Assignments

Creates Strategic Partnerships

A team leader creates strategic partnerships by serving as a spokesperson and communicating or representing the mission to those outside the organization or outside of the team.

Session Overview: Strategic Partnerships

Additional Resource:
Spokesperson Role

Acts as a Change Agent

A team leader acts as a change agent. In this role, the team leader understands the costs and benefits of a change for his/her teammates and knows how to lead the change process.

Session Overview: Change Agent
Presentation: Leading Change
Participant Notes: The Process of Transition diagram

Additional Resources:

“Ten Lessons in Leading Change”
Article: “Vision-Led Change”
Presentation: The Change Agent Role

Influence increases with leadership. It is important to exercise this new influence well. Here are a few sessions to help.

Leading Up

A team leader uses various influence skills in all of their roles. One of the exciting new influence opportunities for a new leader is leading up. This session will help new leaders learn the attitudes and skills for leading up:

Session Overview: Leading Up
Leading Up

Video: Mastering the Skill of Influence by Joseph Grenny


Responsibilities of a Leader

The Estrutura da Liderança describes four responsibilities of a leader that are influencing skills. A new leader must learn and apply each of these skills for effective leadership.

Vision Casting



Strategy Formulation

Leaders accelerate the capacity of their team toward mission results. They are responsible for learning continuously, developing needed resources, and partnering strategically with others to steward resources well for the mission. These sessions will help the new leader grow in these key areas.

Stewards People, Finances, and Assets

Manage today and build capacity for the future. Working together with other capacity leaders, new team leaders can lead with information, learning about the specific tools and resources (reports, procedures, systems, and policies) that are needed and used in their local context.

There is no slide presentation or specific notes provided for this session. This session encourages collaboration and a visit to the CCC/Cru office or a visit from the Operations and/or LDHR leaders.

Session Overview: Stewards People, Finances, and Assets
Article: The Leader as Steward 
Article: Leading and Results


Develops Needed Resources

This is a great session developed by the Fund Development department. In this session, the team leader learns how to leverage resources effectively for the vision, mission, and values of the organization.

Session Overview: Develops Needed Resources

Presentation: Five Biblical Examples
Participant Notes: Five Biblical Examples

Presentation: Develops Needed Resources
Article: Generating Local Resources
Article: 14 Keys to Biblical Stewardship

Presentation: Fund Development is Ministry
Global Fund Development Proposal Outline
Article: Principles of Development

Practices Learning as a Lifestyle

Four habits and the context to develop for a lifestyle of continual learning.

Session Overview: Learning as a Lifestyle
Presentation: Learning as a Lifestyle
Facilitator Notes: Learning as a Lifestyle
“Proud vs. Broken” List

Related Resources

Not sure where to go from here? Take a look at some of the other Development Resources that are available to you. 


360 Global

Global 360 Review The Global 360 is a feedback tool designed to help you develop by receiving feedback from your supervisor, peers, and the team

explore resource »

Featured Tools

Equipping you with the tools you need to develop leaders who build movements

Personal Development Plan

A step-by-step worksheet to help you describe areas for growth, set clear goals, and consider different methods and opportunities to create and implement a development plan

Growth Model

A proven "recipe" for growth in greater self-awareness and self-management skills using context, principles and case studies

Learning as a Lifestyle

Practice these four habits and develop a lifestyle of continual learning

30 Days of Feedback

Tips and activities to encourage you and your team in giving and inviting feedback

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