
Please pray for Mongolia NST

Sainbileg (Sainaa) attended the East Asia Orient NST Trainers Training in Korea last year where he learned about the 39 Outcomes and new philosophy of training. This is his second year directing the New Staff Training for Mongolia.

He wrote this update:
“For this coming year, we have nine trainees—two men and seven women. We are ready to start our ministry, and every trainee has a trainer. I believe that God prepared each one to have a heart full of serving during their study time… so that they can be well trained, formed, loved and protected. The raising support is not easy for our new staff members every year. Therefore I would like to ask your prayer, with sincere heart, for our new and current staff members.”

Saina continues, “We are going to use new lesson materials which we finished translating last year—39 lessons from NST. This year trainers and our team will work on upgrading and improving them. Please pray for this effort whenever you think of it. We always thank God that He gives us leaders who give good guidance, partners who help and support us, good lesson materials usable at all times, and everything that we need.”

Other prayer requests:

  • That the families of the nine new trainees would not reject or criticize them
  • That every trainer and trainee would grow in their relationship with God
Steve Morgan

Steve Morgan is married to Terry, and they have four adult children. He has been on staff for 40 years, 17 years in Latin America, and 11 years with Global LDHR. Steve’s passion is to come alongside leaders and teams and help them grow. He enjoys bike rides and hiking with Terry, triathlons, assessments, writing, and coaching.

“Please pray for Mongolia NST”의 2개의 댓글

  1. Praise the LORD! I wii pray for U and precious New Staff!!
    And I think…
    New Staff Picture looks Wonderful! 🙂
    I Expect NST in Mongolia! ^^

  2. Sainaa. It is great to hear what the Lord is doing since our time in Korea. We will continue praying for NST in Mongolia. So encouraged that you have trainers for each of the new staff! Thanks for taking time to share with us what is happening.

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