새로운 업무

A team leader sets direction with the team, coaches team members to accomplish the mission, works as a partner and spokesperson inside and outside the organization, and acts as a change agent, solving problems with their team.
여기에 이러한 역할들을 위해 준비된 강의들이 있습니다:
SETS DIRECTION session overview
(practice setting direction using the Strategic Planning Process)

PowerPoint: 방향 설정자 PPT 그리고, SPP(Strategic Planning Process, 전략적 계획 과정) PPT

Participant Notes: SPP 작성노트

Further Learning:

SPP(Strategic Planning Process, 전략적 계획 과정)” article

SPP의 6가지 일반적인 오류” article

리딩(Leading)과 결과(Results)” article

우리의 영적 운동의 정직한 평가” article

COACHES THE TEAM session overview
(develop team members for the mission)

PowerPoint: 코치 역할

참가자 노트:

팀원 유형

당신의 팀 차트(Chart)를 이해하기

Further Learning:

효과적인 코칭” article

팀 개발의 단계들” article

팀 회의의 세가지 유형” article

팀 회의 교착상태” article

(coach your team with Position Focus conversations)

PowerPoint: The Development Cycle PPT

Participant Notes: Development Cycle 그리고, 포지션 포커스 양식

Further Learning:

Position Focus – Refine

Position Focus – Review

포지션 포커스 Review 질문들

30일 피드백 

핵심 개발 업무의 이해

핵심 개발 업무

(write and practice a visionary message and develop a network map)

Further Learning:  의사 소통자 역할 PPT

CHANGE AGENT session overview                                                                        (understand transitions and know how to lead the change process)

PowerPoint: Leading Change PPT

Participant Notes: 변환 과정

Further Learning:

“Ten Lessons in Leading Change” article

“Vision-Led Change” article

Change Agent session (LeadershipFramework.org)

The Change Agent Role PPT

Change Agent Role session overview

Article: Solving Problems as a Team (PrEFACE)

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