Relationships with Others

Build strong, healthy RELATIONSHIPS WITH TEAM AND OTHERS and increase coaching skills with these two sessions. There is also included a Further Learning resource on Conflict Management, if that is an important topic in your context.

리더의 관계 session overview

PowerPoint: 리더의 관계

Further Learning:

Managing Conflict PPT

코칭 접근법 session overview

Participant Notes: 코칭 접근법

                      Coaching Bridge Card template

       코칭 브릿지 카드(앞면, 번역하여 사용할 수 있도록)

       코칭 브릿지 카드(뒷면, 번역하여 사용할 수 있도록)

Further Learning:

A Coaching Approach PPT

Personal Development Plan PPT

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