New NST languages available!

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Thanks to the excellent hard work of many, we can now offer the New Staff Training materials here in Chinese, German, and Portuguese (in addition to Spanish and English) for viewing and downloading.

To access the materials, check the list on this page under the “Training the New Staff” tab

If you have NST materials translated into another language and would like to share them for the benefit of many, please let us know by commenting on this post. We will then contact you to make them available to others!
May God richly bless these materials for the expansion of His Kingdom!

Terry Morgan

Hi! I’m Terry, married to Steve and mother of four adult children. I have worked with Cru for almost 40 years, 20 of those years in Latin America. I am passionate about helping people find grace, hope, and growth by walking closely with Jesus. As part of that passion, I coach and train ministry leaders worldwide and create resources to help others grow. You will often find me in our patio garden, processing life with Jesus, with a cup of strong, black coffee in hand.

“New NST languages available!”의 5개의 댓글

    1. Hello Getachew! It is good to \”see\” you visiting here. You can easily download all the NST materials from the Sample Curriculum tab or from any page on the website by simply clicking on the Google Drive icon. Clicking on the icon will take you to the Google folder that contains all of the materials and you can \”add them to your drive\”. Once you have done that, you can adapt or translate the materials as needed. If you have other questions, please just let me know at

    1. Hi Robert! The NST is available in both English and Spanish. Please click on the Google Drive icon on the right side of any of the regular website pages (for example: the Sample Curriculum tab) to take you to a folder that contains all of the content you need. You can download it to use and/or adapt or edit as you need. If you have any other questions, please contact me at I will be glad to help in any way I can!

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