중요한 대화들

leadership behaviors and mindsets

For most of us, having a crucial conversation is not a new concept. However, few of us would say crucial conversations are easy or that we know everything we need to know to do them well. 

This content addresses challenges to crucial conversations, demonstrates the value of those conversations, and improves our skills so we can engage in healthy conversations with greater competence and care. These new mindsets and behaviors will help us build stronger relationships and work better together on mission for God’s glory.

Words have power. Knowledge has power. Conversations have power.

We strongly recommend that you work through this course with your team or another small group, but you can also study the lessons on your own. You can skim through the basic course content in approximately 45 minutes. However, you will want to invest more time in personal reflection, group discussions, and planning action steps for your next crucial conversation.

The course offers a brief look at six main lessons. You will likely want to study many of the lesson topics more deeply, and you will find the additional resources valuable for further learning.

No matter how you arrive at this course – with little or much study and experience with crucial conversations – we hope you will come with a humble heart, willing to learn and grow, asking God to speak uniquely to you. There is much to think and pray about and much to apply.

We trust that He will meet each of us and teach us to enter crucial conversations – to work better together and connect more people to Jesus. 

Let’s get started.

**Video used gratefully with permission from Portadown Elim. Produced by Drew Curran.

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You can return to the course at any time and use the menu to move around as you please.

If you are returning to the course after some time away, you may see a yellow “Take this Course” button. Click to continue with your progress. 

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