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Preparing potential leaders for current and future leadership needs

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갈등, 분쟁 그리고 징계
조직내의 생활에서 다루기 힘든 HR 대화들을 탐색합니다.
최신 뉴스

Putting it All Together (Wellbeing and Retention 6)
Well, it’s been quite a ride over the past few weeks. From historical wellbeing pioneers to hot-off-the-press research. From the apologetics of why we should

be more GEORGE (Wellbeing and Retention 5)
I’m a huge fan of Cadbury. But I’m not here to convince you of the wonders of the chocolate, wonderful as it is. I am here to tell you about the man behind the chocolate – George Cadbury. He’s the one I’m a big fan of.

Quiet Quitting: How long would it take to notice? (Wellbeing and Retention 4)
“If your team stopped doing more than was absolutely essential, how long would it take you to notice?” In the last couple of years, the term “quiet quitting” has emerged in HR and employment conversations (as well as on TikTok… a lot). But could it actually be an issue for us in the mission world? Surely not.

Is work-life balance actually a thing? (Wellbeing and Retention 3)
Twenty-five years ago, a “smart phone” was one that had a redial button, and a “touch screen” was something your parents told you not to do with the TV. Then came the Blackberry. Although the pioneer of the smartphone revolution sadly died in 2022, it is responsible for changing how most of us live our lives.

So, what do we do about it? (Wellbeing and Retention 2)
How can I as an LDHR leader actually make a difference to the movement I am part of? How can I move away from being dragged down into just dealing with the mire of day-to-day processes and problems and positively impact staff life?

Everyone was Right (Wellbeing and Retention 1)
A long time ago (the 90’s) in a conference far, far away (London), a band of rebel HR leaders gathered in secret to dream of a new hope, a new vision of what thriving Christian organisations might look like.