
Plus forts ensemble

Despite the cultural challenges that influence our empowering others, the benefits of learning to work together outweigh those challenges. No one of us has all the best ideas, all the necessary skills, enough energy, or sufficient time to do it all. When we empower others, valuing what they offer and giving them opportunities to be […]

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Étapes suivantes

Here is something new to try! (Click the box to flip it and see the ideas.) Ask those who are under your leadership: How have I empowered you? How have I not empowered you? Like so many things in life, learning to empower others is a process. Like many aspects of leadership, empowering others is

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Réfléchir et réviser

Let’s do a quick review of what we have learned about culture and empowering others. Culture and Empowering Others https://www.ldhr.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/226/2022/02/Empowering-Culture.mp4https://vimeo.com/842602144?share=copyhttps://vimeo.com/824912958?share=copyhttps://vimeo.com/822840591?share=copyhttps://vimeo.com/1039040299?share=copy Think about it: What are your most important learning and applications from this lesson? **You can record your ideas in the Take Notes area. And, remember, if you tell someone else about your planned action

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Comprendre la culture

Empowering others looks different depending on the context. We’ve already seen how the following contribute to empowerment in a particular situation:  a leader’s maturity and humility  the relationship quality, and  the empowered person’s readiness and experience The cultures of the team members and the team location also influence empowerment.  For example, people from high power

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Une devise pour la culture

The video streaming company, Netflix, has chosen “Freedom and Responsibility” as their culture motto. Watch this short video (3:30) that shows Netflix employees worldwide talking about how freedom and responsibility show up in their work and life. Listen for the fundamental concepts of trust and letting people try new things and how freedom and responsibility interact

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Réfléchir et réviser

This time let’s reflect and review by applying our learning from the last few lessons to some case studies. There are three different scenarios to consider. Listening to other people’s suggestions for handling each situation will enrich our learning.  #1 – The Five Elements #2 – Control vs Empowering #3 – Freedom and Responsibility #1

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Réfléchir et réviser

Take some time to reflect on what you have learned in this lesson. Think about it: allow extra time   |   let people try   |   trust people    |   support as needed   |   celebrate often Which of these five relationship principles are most empowerng for you?  Which of these five are easiest for you to offer

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Célébrer souvent

Empowering leaders create a culture of joy and gratitude and an environment where people want to show up to work every day and contribute. A positive, appreciative, and celebratory workplace contributes to more confidence and less fear, greater willingness to take risks, and ultimately, higher quality work for everyone involved. Celebration is a necessary and

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Faire confiance aux gens

Sometimes the best way to learn how to do something is to watch how NOT to do it. Enjoy this short parody on a (not-so) trusting leader. https://www.ldhr.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/226/2021/11/Leaderskilz-Trust-HD-1080p.mp4 A “trust fall” like this is clearly not the best way to build or demonstrate trust. However, to empower people, we need to trust them. How can

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Laissez les gens essayer

An empowering leader creates an environment that invites others to try new things. Giving broad guidelines but letting the other person design the specifics. Focusing on the “why” and allowing the other person to determine the “how.” Creating room for new ideas and ways of doing things. Here is something new to try! (Click the

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Comment intégrer l'autonomisation dans le contexte général ?

How does empowering others fit in the bigger picture? God has called us to help fulfill the Great Commission. We desire to see movements everywhere so that everyone knows someone who truly follows Jesus. The five parts of our organization’s strategic intent move us toward this calling and vision. Watch the first two minutes from the

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Réfléchir et réviser

Reflection gives the brain an opportunity to pause amidst the chaos, untangle and sort through observations and experiences, consider multiple possible interpretations, and create meaning. This meaning becomes learning, which can then inform future mindsets and actions. Jennifer Porter Think about it: Who can help me grow in my God-dependence and self-awareness? What might I

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Responsabiliser les leaders

When we have our security firmly rooted in Christ, we can empower others. In his book Empowering Leadership, Dela Adadevoh explains that leaders empower others when they are God-dependent, meaning they are relationally connected to God and know that only God can change people’s hearts. Empowering leaders are also stable and secure so that others’ successes

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La liberté dans l'identité

We’ve seen that our mindsets determine our actions. Dela mentioned that a mindset of insecurity can produce fear and fear-based behaviors. Our insecurities come from things like family or background pressures, comparisons, or achievement-based standards. How do we find security that will counter our fears? Secure leaders find their identity in Christ. The more you

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L'impact de la peur

One of the most significant identity influences on empowering others is fear. When we are fearful about how making mistakes or how others’ mistakes might reflect poorly on us, we tend to micromanage and increase control – especially in an organization that values results. To empower others, we must move away from a fear-based culture

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Réfléchir et réviser

Let’s take some time to reflect on what we have learned so far. Watch Amos Ang share what empowering means to him and then answer the questions below.  https://vimeo.com/694636848 Think about it: What words or phrases come to mind when you think about a leadership style that empowers others? When have you felt empowered as

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How will this course work?

For the best learning experience, we strongly recommend working through this course in community, with a team or small group, but you can also study the lessons independently. You can view the basic course content in approximately 45 minutes. However, you will likely want to invest more time in personal reflection, interactions with others, and

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