
Des vies changées en Hongrie !

by Steve Morgan

Someone once asked me, “Why do you do what you do?” How would you answer that question? For me, and many of us, the answer comes down to CHANGED LIVES! We do what we do because we are making a difference in people’s lives.

Do you remember when you first came to Christ? Your life changed from being without God and without hope in the world. Suddenly you had life, hope, purpose, and meaning.
Roland and the New Staff in Hungary are seeing changed lives!

[The photo above is] a framed picture that one of the trainees gave as a present to her trainer. The leaves of the tree are all girls who were non-Christians when she started New Staff Training, and now they belong to Christ because of her ministry during NST. Many of them are in her discipleship chain right now as multiplying disciples and some of them are thinking about joining staff!

New Staff are making a difference – Changed lives!
People going from enemies of God to His friends; from objects of wrath to objects of God’s mercy; without hope to hope and life, and peace, purpose and meaning!
Roland adds how the New Staff Training is changing their country:

We just had our celebration dinner of the first graduates. Both the trainers and the trainees said that it was an awesome experience, and they were very glad that we made the choice of becoming a pilot country.

The self-studies helped the alignment of not just the trainees but many times the trainers themselves. A total of 18 people have been going through the self-studies since the beginning (either as trainers or trainees), almost 50% of the Hungarian staff body.

As a side effect of the training, we also see a very tangible and positive “culture change”…

It is the common understanding among our staff that the renewal of the NST in Hungary has been a huge success.

Please join with Roland in praising God for all He has done in Hungary!
How has the New Staff Training helped change lives in your country? 

*Special thanks to Jim Samland, Dave Ginn, Jim Henderson, Keith and Lori Beyar for their work on the NST in Eastern Europe and Russia!


Steve Morgan

Steve Morgan is married to Terry, and they have four adult children. He has been on staff for 40 years, 17 years in Latin America, and 11 years with Global LDHR. Steve’s passion is to come alongside leaders and teams and help them grow. He enjoys bike rides and hiking with Terry, triathlons, assessments, writing, and coaching.

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