Change is often difficult for us, especially if we did not choose the change or have control over it. On the other hand, change is crucial for health and growth. Anything that is alive and growing is changing, and that is true of organizations as well.
As you feel the effects of the change process, you may need some resources. You likely also will want resources to help others. Here ere are some excellent resources for you:
Calling | Contribution
- Who am I? Questions Foundational questions to answer as you consider next steps
Withness Before Witness by Paula Gamble-Grant – a Bible study on calling
Reflected Best Self (HBR offers this exercise to help you tap into unrecognized and unexplored areas of potential.
Chazown Life Vision Exercise Personal vision exercise to help you find your “sweet spot”
Assessments (Workplace: Birkman, Core Clarity, Global360, etc.)
Career Pathway LDHR resources to understand how God has shaped you and help determine a right “fit” in current and future roles.
Bringing Clarity to Calling A theological perspective on God’s calling
Grief | Loss
Transition Curve by J M Fisher – useful for personal and group reflection of transition stages
Top Ten Ways to Cope with Job Transition and Career Change A quick read, many possible action points
How to Cope with Change in the Workplace Five tips for thriving during change
A Transition Plan Is Proof That Your Work Mattered Summarizing your past work helps communicate its value
Faith | Perspective
Who you are, not Where you are by Paul Cheesman – a personal story of God’s faithfulness when plans change
Lattice vs Ladder by Karen Zando – considering the options God has for serving HIm
Spiritual Formation exercises – Judy Lewis A YouTube playlist of nine 30 – minute sessions
GPS for the Soul – A brief exercise to help you tap into what God is doing in your heart
Beloved Charter – Judy Lewis An invitation to reflect on God’s love for you
Making Peace with Change de Gina Butz y reflection/discussion questions
A Tale of Three Kings – A Study in Brokenness by Gene Edwards
The Critical Journey: Stages in the Life of Faith by Janet O. Hagberg and Robert A Guelich
Managing Leadership Anxiety by Steve Cuss
Team processing
Affirmation Exercise / Secret Recommender – A creative exercise for teammates to speak into each other’s lives, what they see as gifting, offering, etc
Listening Exercise – for guiding a team through a sharing and listening time
Transition Curve – by Bob Lewis – Use the Jamboard to have each team member create a sticky note for where they are on the two curves and discuss together.
Chazown Life Vision Team/Community Processing – Questions for discussion with a group after individually doing the life vision exercise
Why Change is Loss A 3-minute read on the relationship between change and loss
Change Management: The Art of Understanding Loss An acknowledgment of the human impact and emotional impact of any change
**If you are a member of the Cru organization, you can find these resources and many more on the Global Staff Web.
What are some of your favorite transition resources?
2 comentarios en “Resources for Transition and Change”
Great resource list. Thank you, Terry.
I’m so pleased you found it helpful!