Cuidado de Staff
Excellent member care is essential for our people. This resource identifies the mindset and framework for good Member Care at every level in our organization. Member Care practitioners, LDHR staff, and other leaders will be equipped with relevant, practical knowledge for partnering in providing an environment of genuine care throughout the ministry.
The purpose of these sessions is to provide a framework and mindset for good Member Care at every level in our organization. Through them, we want to equip our Member Care practitioners with practical, foundational knowledge in providing an environment of genuine care throughout the ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ.
The sessions are designed to be a “coached” training package. Each session will include discussion questions and assignments, and we strongly recommend that you go through them with the help of a coach who can help provide direction and accountability as you process the information/applications. Other options include forming a peer group (real or virtual) and working through the course together, or working through the material together as a team.
The whole course can be accessed aquí or click on the tabs above for further details of each section.
Read the Foundations of Member Care Overview
This session will explain the basics of Member Care and the conceptual Member Care framework that is used throughout our movement.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this session you will be able to:
- Describe the meaning and purpose of Member Care
- Summarize our Member Care framework
- Explain the strengths and weaknesses of the Member Care structure in your country
This session will describe the foundational importance of Master Care for the flow of Member Care. It will also provide suggestions and resources to help foster an environment where Master Care is prioritized.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this session you will be able to:
- Explain the meaning and foundational importance of Master Care
- Describe ways to foster a healthy environment for Master Care in your ministry
- Draft and execute a personal Spiritual Formation plan
This session will describe the meaning and importance of Self Care in our Member Care structure. It will also offer resources to help our members own and initiate their Self Care, as well as to encourage others and help hold them accountable in it.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this session you will be able to:
- Explain the meaning and importance of Self Care
- Describe ways to foster an environment where members in your ministry own their responsibility for Self Care
- Draft and execute a personal Self Care plan
This session will describe the meaning and importance of Team Care in our Member Care structure and explain the two distinct aspects of Team Care in our organization. It will also offer resources to help our members and team leaders own and effectively implement their role in Team Care.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this session you will be able to:
- Describe the importance of Team Care in our Member Care structure
- Explain the two aspects of Team Care
- Draft and execute a Team Care plan
This session will describe the meaning and importance of Movement Care in our Member Care structure. It will describe the two distinct aspects of Movement Care and offer resources to help our leaders at every level own and effectively implement their role in Movement Care.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this session you will be able to:
- Explain the meaning and importance of Movement Care
- Describe the two aspects of Movement Care
- Draft and execute a plan to apply at least one action point from this session in your Movement Care responsibility
The purpose of these sessions is to provide a framework and mindset for good Member Care at every level in our organization. Through them, we want to equip our Member Care practitioners with practical, foundational knowledge in providing an environment of genuine care throughout the ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ.
The sessions are designed to be a “coached” training package. Each session will include discussion questions and assignments, and we strongly recommend that you go through them with the help of a coach who can help provide direction and accountability as you process the information/applications. Other options include forming a peer group (real or virtual) and working through the course together, or working through the material together as a team.
The whole course can be accessed aquí or click on the tabs above for further details of each section.
Read the Foundations of Member Care Overview
This session will explain the basics of Member Care and the conceptual Member Care framework that is used throughout our movement.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this session you will be able to:
- Describe the meaning and purpose of Member Care
- Summarize our Member Care framework
- Explain the strengths and weaknesses of the Member Care structure in your country
This session will describe the foundational importance of Master Care for the flow of Member Care. It will also provide suggestions and resources to help foster an environment where Master Care is prioritized.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this session you will be able to:
- Explain the meaning and foundational importance of Master Care
- Describe ways to foster a healthy environment for Master Care in your ministry
- Draft and execute a personal Spiritual Formation plan
This session will describe the meaning and importance of Self Care in our Member Care structure. It will also offer resources to help our members own and initiate their Self Care, as well as to encourage others and help hold them accountable in it.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this session you will be able to:
- Explain the meaning and importance of Self Care
- Describe ways to foster an environment where members in your ministry own their responsibility for Self Care
- Draft and execute a personal Self Care plan
This session will describe the meaning and importance of Team Care in our Member Care structure and explain the two distinct aspects of Team Care in our organization. It will also offer resources to help our members and team leaders own and effectively implement their role in Team Care.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this session you will be able to:
- Describe the importance of Team Care in our Member Care structure
- Explain the two aspects of Team Care
- Draft and execute a Team Care plan
This session will describe the meaning and importance of Movement Care in our Member Care structure. It will describe the two distinct aspects of Movement Care and offer resources to help our leaders at every level own and effectively implement their role in Movement Care.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this session you will be able to:
- Explain the meaning and importance of Movement Care
- Describe the two aspects of Movement Care
- Draft and execute a plan to apply at least one action point from this session in your Movement Care responsibility
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